What I've Been Up To For the Past 6 Months

I've been working on various projects for the last six months. The most exciting of them is a mouse telemetry device that I designed with my friends to monitor mouse activity in real-time for researchers.

My main role was designing and coding the PCB. There were several constraints that we faced in this project including having a low budget, being restricted to a maximum of 10mm x 10mm size (so it can fit on a mouse), and finding a sustainable power source. We're currently working with professors at Stanford and Rockerfeller Universitites to test out our device and have gotten queries from researchers at Harvard. I've documented most of the obstacles that we encountered during this project, but haven't had the chance to blog about it. The next few posts I write will detail each of the obstacles that I faced during the designing and prototyping stages of this project.

We also filed a provisional patent for our device this week and have founded the startup FMBtechnologies.com!